Litter born 20200312

Litter born 12/3 2020

Proud parents are:

Snow-White Ninim of Kenai*DE

NO*Diadora's Islay Creamball

1 BSH w62, white female

-Pallene, stays in cattery

2 BSH w62, white male

-Antares, reserved to Stockholm

-Aquila, reserved

10 weeks

Nínim's Antares

White male

Nínim's Pallene

White female

Nínim's Aquila

White male

8 weeks

Nínim's Antares

White male

Nínim's Aquila

White male

Nínim's Pallene

White female

6 weeks

Nínim's Pallene

White female

Nínim's Aquila

White male

Nínim's Antares

White male

5 weeks

Nínim's Pallene

White female

Nínim's Aquila

White male

Nínim's Antares

White male

2 weeks

Nínim's Pallene

White female

Nínim's Aquila

White male

Nínim's Antares

White male