Litter born 20190920

Litter born 20/9 2019

Proud parents are:

SE*Nínim's Talitha Borealis

Máximo del Millars*ES

1 BSH a, blue female

-Lyra, sold to Gävle

2 BSH w 62, white female

-Alhena, sold to Karlskoga

-Sinistra, stay in the cattery

1 BSH w 62, white male

-Antila, sold to Falun

11 weeks

Nínim's Sinistra

White female

Nínim's Lyra

Blue female

Nínim's Antila

White male

Nínim's Alhena

White female

9 weeks

Nínim's Alhena

White female

Nínim's Sinistra

White female

Nínim's Antila

White male

Nínim's Lyra

Blue female

6 weeks

Nínim's Alhena

White female

Nínim's Sinistra

White female

Nínim's Antila

White male

Nínim's Lyra

Blue female

4 weeks